Quiz # 2: Chemical Signals Maintain Homeostasis



Part A: Multiple Choice


1.     What hormone converts glucose into glycogen, decreasing the level of sugar in the blood?


a)     glucagon

b)    steroid

c)     insulin

d)    parathyroid

e)     protein


2.     What type of hormone stimulates the release of calcium from the bones to increase calcium levels in the blood?


a)     glucagon

b)    steroid

c)     insulin

d)    parathyroid

e)     protein


3.     What type of hormone activates enzymes in the cytoplasm?


a)     glucagon

b)    steroid

c)     insulin

d)    parathyroid

e)     protein


4.     A ductless, hormone producing gland that releases its secretions into the blood


a)     endocrine

b)    thyroid

c)     exocrine

d)    parathyroid


5.     What hormone increases the metabolic rate of body cells


a)     thyroid

b)    steroid

c)     parathyroid

d)    thyroxine

e)     glucagon




Part B: True or False


1.  Individuals who tend not to gain weight secrete higher levels of thyroxine, and therefore oxidize sugars and other nutrients at a faster rate.


2.  Glucagon causes a decrease in the blood sugar level, because it converts glucose into glycogen.


3.  Steroid hormones diffuse into target cells and attach to receptor molecules. The hormone-receptor complex promotes the formation of cyclic AMP from ATP, and thus activating enzymes within the cell.


4.  In the male reproductive system, the pituitary gland produces and stores the gonadotropic hormones, which regulate the functions of the testes: the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the luteinizing hormone (LH).


5. The parathyroid hormone causes the calcium levels in the blood to decrease and phosphate levels to increase. 




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